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PayPal Website Payments Pro and VirtueMart for Beginners

Started by jasontmartinez27, April 16, 2006, 16:33:30 PM

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Need a solution. Not a developer. I'm using Joomla and virtuemart and will, or attempt, to integrate WPP. Nothing special needed... does anyone have the solution? maybe a recommendation?


I also came here looking to see if this cart could use WPP but all I can find is negative comments or no responses to question.

Anyone have an idea or is something like OScommerce our only solution??



I have the same question...does this mean that nobody is using PayPal website payments pro with the virtue cart???? That is what I want to do


Hey...for you others...I found a post by "bingo" further down with some answers to this...

I'm going to try it...