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Is support working on this forum AT ALL?

Started by blank, March 12, 2006, 21:22:58 PM

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I posted several questions which got answered - none.
I used search function first, but didn't find any solution, as many threads are just questions, without answers.


Why I am so upset? It's open software ok, thanks for that, but withouth support completly useles.

I would even donate some bucks if it is needed to have my questions answered, but this status Q is not what I expected from such a software.

Tomorrow we will launch catalog with almost 6.000 products in start, and much more in near future.

I don't want to open new thread so here are my 2 new questions/problems:

1. Stupid manufacturer module don't work, why? Product is set to BLABLA manufacturer, but it doesn't show, when set to BLABLA manufacturer in manufacturer module.

2. Tree - when I press to line in tree with 200 products it takes all the time to show all the products. Where can be set to show only first 10 products?

Please respond.


Most people are not willing to reply to a forum message that seems to shout abuse at other forum users simply because they are unable to supply an answer to your specific problem. They will only be able to help if they have seen and solved an identical problem themselves. I have not encountered your problems on my VM sites so can offer no advice except the following:

When asking for help describe the problem in as much detail as possible, with a url if available. Also, because there are so many possible variations, give Joomla/Mambo version numbers, and versions of Apache (if used), PHP and MySQL.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Abuse?  :D lol
Is beging abuse?

I wonder how would you feel if you asigned 5 people to work over 4 weeks and teach each how to input products for virtuemart, and then:

find out it's not work how it should, luckely I have CVS

Not to mention that I almost lost entire portal because of Virtuemart MySql input. First I put it in main portal mambo, but after thinking I put it rather in on new MySql

And then, when I uninstal it (because of errors), showed just bunch of errors. If this would be main portal, jiss.

I still didn't get the answers, whatsoever

Virtue Monkey

If we don't get the answers we need it may be time to consider how we're asking the questions.

It would take bravery on anyones behalf to enter into a conversation that starts with: "IS THIS FORUM WORKING AT ALL?", "completly useles","Stupid manufacturer module" etc.

Yes, this is important to you. You've made that clear, which is why itis even more important to be effective. On a forum where the opnly reason for anyone to give the time of day is out of the goodness of their hearts, leaving out the information that can help people to help you and complaining about not being given even MORE for nothing may not help get you the answers you want.

You take that with you to every post, and strangely enough you don't get many answers. Personally I have found the community here to be generous, courteous and very helpful, but I guess that's just a reflection of a different method of asking.

I wish you well and hope that you find what you need.