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DPS Payment Module - NZ and Australia

Started by sampipe, February 08, 2006, 21:24:40 PM

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I have a site that needs this running by April. I'll keep in touch and let you know what I find :)


The original PXAccess code supplied by SamPipe along time ago is still working nicely, it required a few small changes but its working great...

I wanted to attach the module with my changes but the forum won't allow uploads atm (folder full? sort it out :P )

I have a zip file for anyone who wants it, contact me and I'll email it though. Once the forum is sorted I'll post it here.

I have included the original README file, follow this and you can't go wrong. :)


Have been following this thread for a long time, would appreciate if someone could send me a copy of the updates :)


Like I said, PM me your contact details and I'll sent it through...


Hiya, just PMed you, a copy of your work would be great, thanks  ;D


The forum is allowing uploads now, so here it is :) Enjoy...  :)

Follow the README file to get this working...
if for some reason its not working ???... follow the README file  ;D
If you still have issues then I may be able to help, PM me.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Hey, cheers for this, very much appreciated, will let you know how I get on.....


No news is good news? Is everyone getting on ok?


Can anyone tell me about DPS issue?????

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Could you be a little more descriptive? What problem are you having?


Hi Someone asked a while back about sending the confirmed email both to the vendor address and the customer (currently it just goes to customer) Any ideas on that?


Hey guys

I'm getting this error:

Error: connect() timed out!
Error: Failure in Processing the Payment (ps_dps)

I'm using Found on the first page using the PX POST service from DPS

Any one know how to fix?


Right at this moment I'm trying to get the DPS working on my site- I found a bank IT guy from direct payments and he is trying to get it going for me on my site - I agreed that IF he got it going with no bugs then ID try it and publish any findings here. I do notice that at the site they have this site :

and then click on PHP at the bottom - this download the latest set up for php. or virtuemart. They rang me - they are desperate to have sites linked to them.
I wait in hope too- the hardest thing is to test trial it because they don't have easy test sites like paypal.

I go so annoyed with the testing set site up I sent him a test web site - so he could play - I'll let you know what happens -


I got it going no probs in Joomla 1.5 and an old 1.0 site just using the instructions in this thread. I get a security cert though. Don't bother using a shared one. That created all sorts of probs.



I am a bit confused. Module I assume is targeted to work on Joomla which is PHP/My SQL based. Your documentation says it uses PX Access but the DPS site says PX Access is for Windows based systems and PX Pay should be used for non windows based platforms.

Can you clarify if I can use this in Joomla. I have tried to set it up with my PX Pay information but I get the following error:

pxaccess.aspx: Error. This page accepts only HTTP POST's.

Any help would be wonderful

Kind Regards,