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DPS Payment Module - NZ and Australia

Started by sampipe, February 08, 2006, 21:24:40 PM

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Thanks for this, it's great.


OK, ignore the above. I didn't need to add that extra code.

Anyone else using these files, you also need to change the text 'SCOTTS TEST' in checkout.dpsax_result.php to 'Successful transaction' or similar.


Made some changes to this including putting in a hack in components/com_virtuemart/themes/templates/list_payment_methods.tpl.php to force CVV code - would be good if this was an option in the config to select it there - mastercard was complaining that no CVV was entered. No time to update the proper module.

Also we were getting an error saying Error: Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to the guys at DPS advised it was because of SSL version and advised the following change.

Open file "ps_dps.php" and edit around 224

curl_setopt($CR, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 2);

Change the value '2' to '3'

curl_setopt($CR, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 2); to curl_setopt($CR, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 3);

Still got more issues I'll report back on anything I find - Gold Coast Web Design - Website Design


any tips welcome with this I have followed the instructions, can get the money drawing from the credit card just fine but get this error instead of a confirmation page:

Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/virtual/ is not within the allowed path(s): (/virtual/ in /virtual/ on line 15

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /virtual/ in /virtual/ on line 48

any help much appreciated.


Further to my email above I also had to put this line of code in at around 235 where it builds the XML because it doesn't pick up the currency - and DPS seems to assume its NZD.

                     "<InputCurrency>".$vendor_currency."</InputCurrency>\n". - Gold Coast Web Design - Website Design


On my other payment methods as soon as the cart is submitted, the customer and the site admin get the standard virtuemart  invoice/purchase order type email.

But using this module that email is not generated - though the customer does get an order status change email upon completion of the transaction.

Anyone else encountered this an fixed it?


Hi Dude,

I have come across this before. Try and send the emails as plain text instead of HTML..

Also has anyone figured out how to make the status change the order status in Virtuemart once the DPS payment has been completed?

Mine is staying as 'Pending'. need it to change to confirmed or Declined depending on the result....


im using DPS PXPAY system. Currently all is working as per the orders going through. however it looks like nothing is being decrypted in the _result.php file. I put in an update query to see what variables are being returned and from what i can see its only getting the $request variable and is not decrypting correctly....

anyone come accross this... basically all is working, im just trying to send the result of the transaction back to the site... and nothing is coming through...

need to update order_status depending on outcome.

anyone got working php files for PXPay system?


Yeah, I found out it works for plain text emails - though the client wants HTML emails. Argh!

As for changing pending etc - I overlooked this for a while, maybe you have too. On the configuration tab of the payment module, ensure "Order Status for successful transactions" is set to Confirmed.


HI guys, I'm trying to use this but I get a Direct Access to this location is not allowed. when trying to set up the file.

Any ideas ?


for anyone else that has encountered the "Direct Access to this location is not allowed" and are running 1.5 you have to enable legacy mode in Plugins to be able to access it.



I am a bit confused. Module I assume is targeted to work on Joomla which is PHP/My SQL based. Your documentation says it uses PX Access but the DPS site says PX Access is for Windows based systems and PX Pay should be used for non windows based platforms.

Can you clarify if I can use this in Joomla. I have tried to set it up with my PX Pay information but I get the following error:

pxaccess.aspx: Error. This page accepts only HTTP POST's.

Any help would be wonderful

Kind Regards,

This question by Kevin some time ago doesn't appear to have been answered, and I am having the exact same problem. Can anybody help please??


Ok I fixed that by putting url in the configuration. Now it redirects fine to DPS, and approves a transaction using the test credit card number, but when I return to my site it says "Failure (Order not found)" - any clues anyone?


Ok, looks like nobody is here  :)

I finally figured it out, by checking my mac key (I had a typo in it).

Hopefully this post may help someone else.

Trying to figure out now why its redirecting from DPS to my website in the "Administrator" folder and therefore none of the links in my footer menu are working, but I guess theres no point asking the question here!


can't believe it's started such a long time ago and there is still no proper plugin available... But thanks to all who shared all the experiences for the future "generations" lol
I have followed the forum and installed all the files and updated the files and did some tweaking but having problem with the redirection page, too. Access Forbidden...
Did any good soul got it working? Will you share, please?