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Major Australian Banks - anyone working on them?

Started by spinfx, February 06, 2006, 05:51:15 AM

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Hi all

Just seen the great Aussie Post shipping module from benneh and wondered if anyone is working on paytment modules for the major Aussie Banks, particularly Commonwealth Bank.

Here's hoping

David ;-)


I am looking into the St. George one at the moment. Not the API but the Hosted Payment Page (HPP) or the Simple Hosted Payment Page (SHPP) for use with merchant accounts.

The flow is very similar to the way Paypal works.
Build URL and direct to St. George with basic info
Shopper completes details
On payment completion, user comes back to site with basic details of payment (tx #, amount, merchant id)
Transaction sent to St. George URL for verification
Database updated to reflect payment

I am hoping it may be not too difficult to implement, but then again, I am no coder.

If anyone would be willing to collaborate on this one with me, please let me know as I could do with some good help and guidance.


Hi Uncle Buck

Interesting work on the St George gateway - this sounds similar to the way the ComWeb payment gateway works. All details except payment are collected by the shopping cart and the client gets redirected to the Secure Payment Gateway to enter cc details and confirm. Once payment is confirmed, client is handed back to shopping cart to finalise the order.

I have obtained the Commonwealth Bank osCommerce module for ComWeb gateway payment. Would you have any idea how to convert it to a Virtuemart payment module?

I can send it to you if you wish.

Cheers, David


Hello all

I looked into this to some extent and thought that eWay had a good offering.  They work with several Australian banks.  Virtuemart has an eWay payment option already.

I chose to work with Paypal, so don't really have deep insight into how the banks work.

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Thanks for your input - unfortunately we are committed to using Commonwealth Bank

We'll keep on plugging and post any results we get.

Cheers, David ;-)


Just an update for those who may be interested in the St.George gateway:

I have the configuration working correctly and have used notify.php as the basis for a new file called stgba_notify.php
Testing sending transactions to the https address at St.George has been working but as I am using a test database on their site, the response verifier only ever returns a FALSE which makes it difficult to test it properly.

I have been in contact with St.George asking if they have a transaction verifier for the test database and this was their response:
"As far as I am aware there is no Test Reponse URL but I am having IT investigate this at the moment. Most merchants test in the live system."
(not what I expected to get as an answer)

I will update this thread as more comes to light.


I just noticed a thread in which someone has developed a payment gateway module for the Westpac web advantage system. Thought it might be of some help to someone watching this thread.




For those watching this thread - please see my new post with a CommWeb payment module here

Any improvements welcome

Cheers, David


Quote from: UncleBuck on March 29, 2006, 06:57:40 AM
Just an update for those who may be interested in the St.George gateway:

I have the configuration working correctly and have used notify.php as the basis for a new file called stgba_notify.php
Testing sending transactions to the https address at St.George has been working but as I am using a test database on their site, the response verifier only ever returns a FALSE which makes it difficult to test it properly.

I have been in contact with St.George asking if they have a transaction verifier for the test database and this was their response:
"As far as I am aware there is no Test Reponse URL but I am having IT investigate this at the moment. Most merchants test in the live system."
(not what I expected to get as an answer)

I will update this thread as more comes to light.

Has anyone completed the payment module for St George bank yet?



Quote from: UncleBuck on March 08, 2006, 06:01:06 AM
Build URL and direct to St. George with basic info
Shopper completes details
On payment completion, user comes back to site with basic details of payment (tx #, amount, merchant id)
Transaction sent to St. George URL for verification
Database updated to reflect payment

This sounds very much like what all finnish banks do.

I've been developing a payment method add-on for finnish banks. My goal is to develop an application independent class library, which provides the core functionality, and an adapter layer between it and VirtueMart. It is still in early alpha state, and hadn't been tested on a production site. Tests with testing accounts of three different banks have been successful. I guess you might find it interesting.

Tentative installation and user documentation;

FIPN (Finnish Instant Payment Notification), the core class library:

FIPN_VM, the adapter layer between FIPN and VirtueMart

The ZIP packages contain more detailed class documentation, which will provide you more information.
Especially the README file of FIPN might be worth reading. Here is a part of it:

FIPN is a class library that implement core functionality for communication
between an online application and online payment gateways of finnish banks.

General notes - see this README
Class documentation for developers - see /doc/class/index.html
Changelog - see CHANGELOG
License (GNU GPL) - see LICENSE

Practically all finnish banks offer web payment method for their business
and consumer customers (Luottokunta, a finnish credit cart processor,
co-owned by the banks, offers a similar method). These methods share
common practices but implementation differs a little from bank to bank.

FIPN takes care of these differing implementations. It presents a similar
interface to all different banks. Thus the client application doesn't need
a large number of different payment modules, but only an adapter layer
between its shopping cart checkout process (etc.) and FIPN. A change in
client application requires adjustments only in the adapter, not in
numerous payment modules. A change in bank's web-API requires an adjustment
in FIPN, and in worst case in adapters, but not in numerous payment modules
of numerous client applications.

The basic common practice shared by the finnish banks goes like this:
At the end of checkout process the e-commerce application presents a HTML
form to the customer. HTML form's hidden fields contain data like merchant's
ID, bank reference number, total value, return URL and a security hash.
Different banks require different additional fields and the field names and
properties differ from bank to bank.
The customer moves to bank's web payment site and transfers the form data
with him as POST-method parameters. Bank verifies the form data. Customer
identifies himself using ID, password and session specific second password.
Then the customer either accepts or cancels the transaction. If transaction
is accepted, bank transfers money from customer's bank account to merchant's
bank account in (almost) real time. Bank redirects the customer back to
merchant's return URL passing information about the outcome of the
transaction as GET-method parameters.

Instant payment, instant information - thus the name "FIPN" - Finnish
Instant Payment Notification. IPN is a commonly used term on other
similar services like PayPal.

FIPN is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
other free or open source software licenses.



Quote from: spinfx on February 06, 2006, 05:51:15 AM
Wondered if anyone is working on paytment modules for the major Aussie Banks, particularly Commonwealth Bank.

We've got payment gateways for all versions of Joomla and Virtuemart and other (not to be mentioned here) CMS / Shopping Cart combinations...
Available for any Joomla / VM work.