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Shipment for Virtual Products WON'T Save Registration Key

Started by DavidAllenNeron, December 06, 2023, 08:33:28 AM

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I have tried multiple browsers, my mobile phone and multiple browsers on that but no matter what I do, it WILL NOT save my registration key.

I have attached an image of where I am entering the registration key but everytime I save that page, it returns empty "UNREGISTERED"

Could someone help me locate the config file or php or xml file or where-ever this key is supposed to be stored so I can 'manually' enter the key and save the file.

I browsed around on my server looking at files to determine where I could enter the key manually but I cannot find it.

I am using VirtueMart 4.2.0 10905
Joomla 4.4.1


The debug messages from Joomla's VirtueMart component offer some useful insights, particularly in understanding how data is being processed and where it might be stored in the database. Here's an analysis of the key elements:

Custom Field Editing:

The messages indicate that you are editing a custom field in VirtueMart ([view] => custom and [task] => edit). The specific custom field being edited has an ID of 3 ([virtuemart_custom_id] => 3).
Custom Field Data:

The data array shows various settings for this custom field, such as custom_title, is_cart_attribute, custom_element (set to istraxx_download), and others. This suggests that the settings you are editing are related to the "iStraxx - Shipment for Virtual Products" plugin.
Warning About Undefined Property:

The warning Undefined property: remConf::$fieldname suggests that the plugin's code is attempting to access a property ($fieldname) on an object (remConf) that hasn't been defined or isn't properly set. This could be a bug or a configuration issue within the plugin.
Potential Database Interaction:

The plgVmOnStoreInstallPluginTable message suggests that there is a function or method being called to store or update plugin-related information in a database table. The table involved is likely related to VirtueMart custom fields (#__virtuemart_customs), but the exact nature of the data being stored isn't clear from the debug output.
Custom Params:

The custom_params field in the data array shows various parameters being set. However, there's no direct indication of a field for the registration key. This might either be included in the custom_params as a serialized array or stored in a different manner.
Next Steps:

Investigate the Codebase: To understand where and how the registration key is supposed to be stored, you'll need to look into the plugin's PHP files, especially those that handle saving settings to the database.

Trace the Warning: The PHP warning might provide a clue. Check the reminder0.php file around line 23 to see what operation is being performed and how it's related to the remConf object.
Contact Developer: If the issue persists or is unclear, reaching out to the plugin developer with this debug information could be helpful. They might provide insights into how the plugin stores its configuration and what the warning means.

The code in reminder0.php is a part of a Joomla plugin (presumably the "iStraxx - Shipment for Virtual products" plugin) and is used to display a reminder or registration prompt for the product. The warning about an undefined property suggests that there's an attempt to access a property of an object or array that hasn't been defined or initialized properly.

one of the debug messages shows a warning about an undefined property in the file reminder0.php on line 23. This might be a bug in the plugin code that needs to be fixed or reported to the developer.