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Bugs On Latest Virtuemart 4.2.2

Started by niosme, September 18, 2023, 08:30:24 AM

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Cause i see at the support tickets noone answers i post it here too. I have paid subscription but I have no answer.

1) I have a multilingual virtuemart. When e.g. in a category we want to edit we choose the greek language changing the greek fields then we change the language to english edit the english fields and click on save it just saves only the english. If the last language i choose is greek then it only saves the greek.
I should be saving both languages and Not only the language we choose last time.

2) When we search for e.g. a category is shows as the results.We click in the category all good.But when we go out again of the category the search remains with the results but the search box shows empty.It should have the searched text we entered before.

3) When we have to categories with the same name e.g.
In the product edit in the administrator when we are searching and we type in categories of the product to quick filter it e.g. gloves it throws to categories are showing like this
And we dont know which in is from which category.
The result of categories filter inside the product should be in a form like the following to be understandable:
--Driver/Gloves. and

4. And the most important which throws an error

When we try to edit an order, and add or remove products of an existing order it throws the following error and as a result we cannot edit any existing order.

The error:
vmError: vmTable store insertObject #__virtuemart_order_items Data truncated for column 'virtuemart_order_item_id' at row 1 INSERT INTO `jwikh_virtuemart_order_items` (`virtuemart_order_item_id`,`virtuemart_order_id`,`virtuemart_product_id`,`order_item_sku`,`order_item_name`,`product_quantity`,`product_item_price`,`product_basePriceWithTax`,`product_discountedPriceWithoutTax`,`product_priceWithoutTax`,`product_tax`,`product_final_price`,`product_subtotal_discount`,`product_subtotal_with_tax`,`order_status`,`paid`,`oi_hash`,`created_on`,`created_by`) VALUES ('0-10-0','53','11','','test','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','P','0','c13866122b603b07d429a95ab35f0813','2023-09-14 14:57:32','701')
vmError: vmTable store insertObject #__virtuemart_order_item_histories Data truncated for column 'virtuemart_order_item_id' at row 1 INSERT INTO `jwikh_virtuemart_order_item_histories` (`virtuemart_order_item_history_id`,`virtuemart_order_item_id`,`virtuemart_order_id`,`virtuemart_product_id`,`order_item_sku`,`order_item_name`,`product_quantity`,`product_item_price`,`product_basePriceWithTax`,`product_discountedPriceWithoutTax`,`product_priceWithoutTax`,`product_tax`,`product_final_price`,`product_subtotal_discount`,`product_subtotal_with_tax`,`order_status`,`paid`,`oi_hash`,`created_on`,`created_by`,`modified_by`,`action`) VALUES ('0','0-10-0','53','11','','test','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','P','0','995da1754d23ce559a8fb64d28964816','2023-09-14 14:57:32','701','0','new')
Fullstack Developer and Joomla Expert


Quote from: niosme on September 18, 2023, 08:30:24 AM
3) When we have to categories with the same name e.g.
In a product when we are searching and we type e.g. gloves it throws to categories to select like this
And we dont know which in is from which category.
It should result in product to be understandable
--Driver/Gloves. and
What search module are you using?
VM 4.4.6 11109, Joomla 5.2.3, PHP 8.3.8


Maybe i missexplained that!
Inside the product edit in the administrator when we go to choose a category/ies where the product and we type the letters to quick filter the categories we want to associate the product with. When two subcategories have the same name but belong on different main categories we cannot understand which one is which.
Fullstack Developer and Joomla Expert


Now your problem is clear.
It's probably possible to do this.
But if someone has long names of products and categories, the output result will not fit into the selection window.
I would do it like this:
And then the search output will be clear
VM 4.4.6 11109, Joomla 5.2.3, PHP 8.3.8


Max said all that problems are solved in latest version 4.2.2 but not tested them yet.
Fullstack Developer and Joomla Expert