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Jewels one of a kind products e-shop

Started by lbattest, July 16, 2021, 16:35:12 PM

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a little presentation would be nice instead of just drop your link

This apart, nice one simple and pretty stuff but...

  • be aware that you've got a 404 right on the big logo.( )

  • For the category "OCEAN" your products are all with the same title page (BRA-L: OCEAN) and all with the same H1 on page. seo killer...and penalty risky

  • You also have an issue with you sef rewriting and if not, it's very strange for the product link (index.php/pour-homme/bracelet-homme/bracelet-l/view/productdetails/virtuemart_product_id/67/virtuemart_category_id/18)

  • You hover on add to cart button need to be corrected, it disappear on hover

  • Your image names are with the extension (BRAL002.jpg)

J3.10.12 | PHP 7.4.33 + APC + Opcode
VM Prod : 3.8.6 | VM Test : 4.4.4 11100


From a technical point of view, your site is very well implemented. For example, the page load speed is within 3 seconds, the adaptive works fine on different devices. But I would advise you to work on the design. In particular, the site's side menu doesn't look very nice.

[edit removed link]