checkout form not showing published shopper fields data in form

Started by Cpointcc, January 11, 2018, 18:14:44 PM

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I have a site with the shopper fields published to show in the cart form.  I have another component mapping fields to push from virtuemart to joomla user profile fields. 

VM 3.2.12, joomla 3.8.3,

I have scoured with that developer many hours of trouble shooting why the cart data is not storing.  Any suggestions how to resolve this issue.  It is preventing the completion of my project


When saved upon vm registration form, the account shows all my data. 

Then I purchase a product, go to the cart, the data is blank and I get stuck.  I click check out now, it says data stored, but then it never lets me finish.



Also i have same problem facing. how to solved this issue ? i think this is virtuemart core problem !
Salekuddin Sheikh Sumon
Lead Web Application Developer



Please share more info. I do not think you have the exact setup, theme and problem.
If it was a core problem no one would use Virtuemart. This is with a very high probablility a template problem. Please test with protostar first.


Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.


Dear Jörgen,

Thanks for your replay. i know but It was okay before the update 3.2.12. This problem arises after updating. The funny thing is that my locals pc server are ok but problem in the server. you can check my shop ->

Salekuddin Sheikh Sumon
Lead Web Application Developer


I can not see any problems, but I do not want to place any order in a language I do not understand.
You have a customized template, use protostar and see if it works.
And then you could also tell us exactly what the problem is, the default VM works, your custom template obviously not.
VM version, Joomla version etc


Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.


This pack local pc server works fine but server not work. I have tried for long time in this problem. Checking out the server is not saving data. And no order can be made for that.
Salekuddin Sheikh Sumon
Lead Web Application Developer

Studio 42

Try to disable deflate/Gzip for PHP files in your server, .htacces or Joomla.
If you use a cache, this can give trouble too.


Dear Studio 42,
Deflate/Gzip and cache disabled here. But does not work.
It's working on firefox browser but does not work on other browser. Please check my site and give me the best solution of this bug.

Salekuddin Sheikh Sumon
Lead Web Application Developer