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How to find edit your account page this variable from?

Started by florihana, August 28, 2017, 14:58:03 PM

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Hi Experts,

VirtueMart 3.0.18
Joomla: 3.6

I would like to know how do you find edit your account page or registration page like:
Your Domain URL/en/create-customer-account.html

Your Domain URL/fr/creer-un-compte-client.html

so far I knew you could find this variable:  Your Domain URL/language from this object: $this->baseUrl

but for create-customer-account.html

could anyone tell me how to find which object to define this page name?

sorry had been search couple hours has no found.

thank you


It is a language String translation. Check the joomla language override section
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Hi Milbo
Thank you found it from: menu/ type menu/ virtuemart/ management account