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add city dropdown as state shopper address virtuemart joomla 3

Started by ahmednaser90, May 04, 2017, 12:51:16 PM

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i created table xyz_virtuemart_cities with 3 columns:

virtuemart_city_id , city_name, city_code

then created a field in shopper fields virtuemart as single dropdown

by field name: virtuemart_city_id and title :city

but it appears at frontend with no city in dropdown

how to connect my dropdown to the table ?

Studio 42

It's not so simple, you have to create a plugin to get results from mysql or json file
See for eg: JOOMLAROOT\plugins\vmuserfield\realex_hpp_api\
Another solution is to write a Joomla system plugin, if you need more freedom or Joomla com_ajax is another solution.