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Allow to buy a product, only if the parent it is in the cart

Started by jlabuelo_sm, February 23, 2017, 17:00:25 PM

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Hi all

I am trying to figure out how this can be done. I have two products, A, and B, however I only would like to allow to buy (or propose to buy) product B, if product A is already in the cart.
Basically I have solved this by creating two produtcs in virtuemart
- Product A
- Pack Product "A+B".

What I am trying to get is that if user buys Product A, virtuemart would suggest something like "why not completing your order of product A, adding product B".

Is this possible?

Thanks a lot!

Thanks a lot


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Extensions approved by the core team:


Maybe these extension is useful for your case since you need conditions based on products added at cart

Ask the developer if you can achieve what you want. The linked posted by Milbo was solved with shopper groups as himself and others suggested. My case is a bit different since I just needed added products based on order total and you need something like conditional custom fields depending on products added at the cart.
