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Registration Form issues

Started by Bayron, November 04, 2016, 17:08:45 PM

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Having issues with the Shopperfields from Virtuemart.
Using Joomla 3.6.4 Virtuemart 3.0.18 PHP 5.5.36

I want to edit the registration module, adding some forms. The problem is, i create new shopperfield; when i try to add them to the registration module i get this error:
Error: The Userfield state could not be updated.

Any solution?


No one can help me? Still can't solve this problem. I've been reading shopper fields guides a lot, and i seem to be doing it just right; still it doesn't work.

GJC Web Design

Sorry, I have never seen this error

Have just done a site with extensive use of new shopper fields on J3.6.4/VM3.0.18 and had no problems
Is the FE or Admin?
Using or tried on the standard template?

the error comes from administrator\components\com_virtuemart\helpers\vmcontroller.php
public function toggle($field,$val=null)

are u "toggling" something?
GJC Web Design
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Solved this one. I'll explain it for people who could find the same issue.
I was adding new shopperfields in Virtuemart, but was actually using the Joomla registration form.
After using a plugin that redirects the Joomla registration to the Virtuemart one i solved the problem ^^


Hi there,


Which plugin did you use for redirection?

Best Regards
Hartmut-the pet
Hartmut - thepet


KC VM Registratior Redirect Plugin ^^


Thank's Bayron,

I've installed it as well, and now I'm happy :-)

Best Regards
Hartmut - thepet
Hartmut - thepet