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category problem layout

Started by alex4842, April 18, 2016, 11:56:12 AM

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Hello I have a problem when i try to create a menu item and select Virtuemart->Category Layout. It creates the categories normal but when i click in the category it doesn't open the products. Am i doing something wrong or forgotten? I have VM3 that i recently updated from VM2 and joomla 3.5(recently updated from 2.5) i don't know if it is relative.


See the attached screenshot below and replicate the menu item settings.


Thank you for your response :) I wasn't very clear i want to show only the categories and if the user click on a category, i want  to link to the products of this category. I do that choosing top level category and page layout categories, it shows the categories, but if i click on a specific category it doesn't its the products.

GJC Web Design

I think your problem is that you have the top cats as show no products?

I'm pretty sure this setting is cascaded thru to the child categories.. I seem to remember this..

Have you tried making distinct menus to the child cats with the settings that Jumbo showed?
GJC Web Design
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yes  GJC Web Design that was the problem :) i should have made distinct menus to the child cats, thank you guys for your help! :)