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Send email to or show certain orders to a user

Started by Kuubs, March 11, 2016, 11:32:11 AM

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I have a problem which I cannot seem to see a solution for with the standard functionality of Virtuemart so I'm asking it here.
I have a webshop where I sell a lot of products, and now I want to introduce another party to this shop, a so called warehouse. This warehouse will send orders which I put on a certain order status (which I created in Virtuemart, send to warehouse).

This is the part where I get stuck. I want to make an account for this warehouse, which they can login and see the orders they have to sent away. Now I can do this via the account way, they log in and see the order which are set to that particular order status, or I can let Virtuemart send an email whenever I put the order status on that particular order.

Is the first one possible, and if so how. If not can I make the second one possible, I understand I need to do some tweaking, or maybe write a plugin, but could someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!

Studio 42

You can manually send this from back-end, using a new module displaying a simple button and send a mail if needed, or check for statut on save and use a Joomla plugin to send mail with informations.
Of course this need a custom development.
I don't have read about an existing solution.


So a module which has a send button, which checks what orders are checked in the order screen, and when you press the button it sends the checked orders to a given email address?

It isn't possible with the standard functionality? (making a certain user which has access to a certain kind of order, which the admin can specify?)

Studio 42

If the solution was existing, then why i say you to add a code ?
No solution exist to send a mail exclude the main vendor in back-end, perhaps in multi vendor mode, but i doubt.


Ok, and if you forget about the whole email thing.

Make another user that has rights to access the orders, can look into the orders and change the status of the order to sent, is that possible with the standard functionality?
Can I let a user only access for example the orders section?

Studio 42

Check the Joomla ACL . To see ACL click the "permissions" button
Or use the link : YOURSITE/administrator/index.php?option=com_config&view=component&component=com_virtuemart


Okay, I'm almost at the solution itself, but I need some extra guidance here. I've made a new User, gave him permission to only check the Orders of Virtuemart, so far so good. I also made a new Order status, which identifues which orders can be viewed by this new user.
Only now I'm stuck, because I need to configure that this user can only access and see these orders with that specific order status. Is this possible?

Studio 42

Quote from: Huubs on March 14, 2016, 11:57:24 AM
Okay, I'm almost at the solution itself, but I need some extra guidance here. I've made a new User, gave him permission to only check the Orders of Virtuemart, so far so good. I also made a new Order status, which identifues which orders can be viewed by this new user.
Only now I'm stuck, because I need to configure that this user can only access and see these orders with that specific order status. Is this possible?
This need a custom developement.


From my point of view, the same request as here

The warehouse becomes vendor of the products of the warehouse.
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Quote from: Studio 42 on March 14, 2016, 13:37:01 PM
Quote from: Huubs on March 14, 2016, 11:57:24 AM
Okay, I'm almost at the solution itself, but I need some extra guidance here. I've made a new User, gave him permission to only check the Orders of Virtuemart, so far so good. I also made a new Order status, which identifues which orders can be viewed by this new user.
Only now I'm stuck, because I need to configure that this user can only access and see these orders with that specific order status. Is this possible?
This need a custom developement.

I'm willing to code it myself, it shouldn't be that hard I think? Order status equals "Z" can get accessed by that user, if he changes the status to sent, it can't be seen anymore by this user.

Quote from: Milbo on March 14, 2016, 14:12:22 PM
From my point of view, the same request as here

The warehouse becomes vendor of the products of the warehouse.

But it's not dependant on the product, but on the order status.


What we do is use the component CSVIpro, we filter them also per order status and we send the email with the orders in csv to our warehouse.

You can even create a cron job so it does it sends automatically the email with the desired orders to the warehouse.


Quote from: lindapowers on March 15, 2016, 01:48:27 AM
What we do is use the component CSVIpro, we filter them also per order status and we send the email with the orders in csv to our warehouse.

You can even create a cron job so it does it sends automatically the email with the desired orders to the warehouse.

Yeah, they don't want the solution with emails, because they think they can miss email and then they miss orders. So I need some kind of a backend solution.