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install on shared hosting?

Started by Michaelgreen252, March 06, 2016, 03:07:58 AM

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Is there really no way to install vm 3 on a shared server?  So far ive read many posts about this issue.  Ive contacted my host about the php time limit issue without resolve.  But vm has been available to shared server users since forever and now it has became available for the few users who happen to have dedicated servers.  Is there some workaround?  I have other extensions dependent on vm so this is important to me.  I have other large extensions that installs in stages in order to minimize the server this not an option for it possible to ftp the files and unzip in my directory or any options whatsoever?  Thanks


Quotenow it has became available for the few users who happen to have dedicated servers.
Where does this come from? The majority of VM3 users have shared servers.


Jörgen @ kreativ fotografi
Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.


Probaly over 99% of Joomla/VM sites are on shared hosts. Only a really big/busy site requires dedicated. Some shared hosts, especially those who pack their servers with as many domains as they can squeeze in, have resource restrictions in place to try to prevent too frequent server issues. Those are the ones that should be avoided.

If it is a problem with upload_max_filesize being restricted to a paltry 2Mb then there are likely to be other resource restrictions that affect the function of a Joomla/VM site, such as a low max_execution_time. This is really significant on highly (over)loaded servers as they will by nature run slower. The upload restriction can be worked around by using ftp and installing from a directory.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Easy solution is to change hosting company, there's quite a lot around;-)

We were on cheap shared hosting and had all sorts of problems with Joomla related to our host.
Then after talking to different other Joomla users we changed to another cheap provider (unoeuro in Denmark) and their shared hosting has been fine for us. We are pretty low traffic site though, as we sell niche stuff.

It's worth to look around and find the right hosting. See/ask what other people think of the host in combination with joomla/VM.