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Main Menu / Card Number Invalid Card CVV Number Invalid or Missing

Started by dfin, June 20, 2015, 01:30:25 AM

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Our website all of a sudden is getting this checkout error when someone is shopping.
It doesn't occur to someone just staying a guest, but if I login as a registered user, I see it sometimes (depending on my moves).
For awhile I thought I got around it by adding a second shipping option (so the script stops reading at shipping & not give the error once it reads the payment is selected.)
I only have one payment option & it doesn't matter if I added a second.

Error it gets is this...

Card Number Invalid
Card CVV Number Invalid or Missing
Card Number Invalid
Card CVV Number Invalid or Missing
Card Number Invalid
Card CVV Number Invalid or Missing

Ive read in other threads that disabling auto select in configuration will fix this, but I don't see this in my choices.

I have VirtueMart 2.6.6 & I manually updated for 2.6.10.... I believe was the version.  joomla 2.5.28
I also use a OnePageCheckout thru VirtuePlanet but I don't have support access thru them because it was bought thru an old company we dealt with.


I later found a setting in the component to turn something i felt unrelated off...not sure what it was called ( dealt with checkboxes)...but it seemed to stop the error posting on the screen...but now have another issue that it did
I have VirtueMart 2.6.6 & I manually updated for 2.6.10  |  Joomla 2.5.28 | Php 5.4.27