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VM3 Webservice / SOA support

Started by wdjong, February 06, 2015, 00:01:54 AM

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Hi, says that Webservices are only enabled in version 2 of Virtuemart. Currently we have version 3.0.2 installed.

Is the wiki page out of date? Is it possible to use webservices with Version 3?

If not what alternatives are there?




Hi, I'm using VM 3.0.12 and I have the same problem. Are there any websevices available in VM 3 ?


Yes this need to be clearer... We have some ERPs that we would like to make integration with Virtuemart to. But we are not sure we should use third party or use the built in (if available) .. Is the documentation on the webservices out of date?
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I don't think this is related to Virtuemart, but perhaps to Joomla 3 ?
A webservice is a way to get datas and mostly this not call the component itself.


The documentations is completly out of date. and I think we removed it, because it takes a lot space and as Patrick said, we noticed that any extensions using webservices anyway used their own.
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