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Language not translated in Ajax Cart

Started by erinreiss, December 25, 2014, 10:51:19 AM

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I have a question and hope that you guys can solve it for me. My website language is Lithuanian and is not translated in Ajax Cart. So where I can change/edit Ajax Drop Down shoping cart language?
Thank you!

David Kan

Hi erinreiss,
There are some issues that you need to re-check:

- First, have you installed the language file on your system correctly? Please check your configuration in Language Manager.
- Second, when you translate into your language, you lacked the quotation marks, for example: LABEL_QUANTITY="Qty :".
Just find the language file of Ajax cart module to check/edit it.
The file will be like this shopfine/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_virtuemart_ajax_cart.ini for example.
(shopfine is the name of template, en is English language)

Hope it helps!
Cmsmart Team