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Not able to enable Guest checkout

Started by MathiasA, October 10, 2014, 15:54:07 PM

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I am trying to get guest checkout to work but no success.

1. I have enabled the Allow User Registration in Joomla
2. I have disabled/Unchecked On checkout, ask for registration  in VM
3. I have disabled/Unchecked Only registered users can checkout  in VM

That should be enough if i follow the instructions but still when i filled in all information, First Name, street etc and saves VM are asking for me to fill in the name which i have identified is displayed name field. After some testing the system will also ask for username. I Can manually go back to the cart and from there continoue the check out. But i would really like to get rit of the "fill in your name" message and also if possible after saving the user information as address get directly back to the cart "checkout Process"

I have done a lot of tests for an example unpublished fields in VM User fields as name, Username, Password, Password 2 for all columns from Required to Show in account maintenance without any success.

I really want to only have the functionallity for a one page checkout without forcing my customers to register (or be informed that they had register - That could be a workarround)

I have searched both this forum and the web for answers and solution without any really answers...

Best Regards Mathias
Joomla! 2.5.24 - VirtueMart 2.6.8


If you are only going to have Guest checkpout then I set "Allow User Registration" to No, and both "On checkout, ask for registration" & "Only registered users can checkout" are deselected. No issues with checkout. eg see  (live site, so only confirm if you want to buy!)

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thanks for your answer.

When i do diable the Allow user registration i get an "404" page when i am saving the "address" information. When i enable the user registarion i get the question to fill in name "Dispaly name".

BR Mathias


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


I have tried from different computers and also cleared cash etc, When disabling user registration in Joomla i get a 403 Message.

For some reason VM still want to register even if both checks are unmarked in VM (Regarding ask and demanding registration)

BR Mathias


I have found out that the template i use sadly made this hapen.
I Changed the "edit_address.php" to the original VM file and then everything works fine.

Thanks for your support even if this was hard for anyone else to solve, but your answer pointed in the direction that it should work by default and that acctually helped me when i were looking for an solution/explanation.

BR Mathias