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'Pay with coupon' or 'Payment module: Coupons'

Started by acqua112, October 14, 2005, 02:39:43 AM

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Did anybody develop a payment module which allows users to pay with a coupon? And even allows to pay with more than one coupon?

Reason for asking this is that I would like to sell coupons pre-paid which than can be used to pay for items in my shop. My target group are people in the Caribbean ... .
... so called third world countries where people don't have or use credit cards like in the States, Paypal doesn't bother to offer their services and e-commerce is still a world plenty don't know.

I wouldn't even mind to pay somebody.


Technically coupons are free discounts to customers, where as gift certificates are purchased goods.

Coupons are currently within the shop, but you have to use a work around for gift certificates as I haven't seen a component(I'm looking)

Add a category "Gift Certificates" then add to it...
A product, with relevant monitory value say $10, and with 0 weight and no shipping.
Create several coupon codes (enough to keep you going) 
When the product is purchased you send them a manual email with the gift certificate code.

The customer will have to use the full value of the certificate against future purchases.


thanks for your reply.

I read in a different post that Soeren plans to implement sales of (gift) coupons in a future release. But there is no information on how long from now.

Basically can't it be handled as simple as you described it. If you want to use coupons that way they also need to be trackable. Presently gift coupons are deleted once they are used. This isn't very practical. How do you want to handle your customer support if you don't know which coupon which customer used on which purchase?

I see that quite a bit of modding has to be done to get this thing working and my knowledge of php is very limited. This is the reason why I am posting here.

MG Page

Quote from: dmglampers on October 14, 2005, 03:30:35 AM
Technically coupons are free discounts to customers, where as gift certificates are purchased goods.
Coupons are currently within the shop, but you have to use a work around for gift certificates as I haven't seen a component(I'm looking)
Add a category "Gift Certificates" then add to it...
A product, with relevant monitory value say $10, and with 0 weight and no shipping.
Create several coupon codes (enough to keep you going) 
When the product is purchased you send them a manual email with the gift certificate code.
The customer will have to use the full value of the certificate against future purchases.

I've been trying to find a work around for this and I hate to say it, but unless I did something wrong, this didn't work for me :-(

I got a error:
"Australia Post shipping calculator failed, reason: Invalid Weight Parameter"

Any other suggestions?