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Parameters are not correct read by VMConfig or...

Started by nkamp, May 14, 2014, 23:02:12 PM

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I have migrated a joomla 1.5 with vm 1.1.9 version. First I have vm in joomla 1.5 migrated to vm 2.012f.
But now I have a issue with the parameters I think. I have joomla 2.5.19 with vm 2.6.0 installed.

I have:

  • Show Store Description  is not checked
  • Default number of categories in a row = 2, But there are still 3 categories on row
  • Default number of products in a row = 3, But there are still 1 categories on row

in view.html.php I have found for example the next line:

$perRow = empty($category->products_per_row)? VmConfig::get('products_per_row',3):$category->products_per_row;

So as already said number of products on row is 1. This is because of $category->products_per_row is not empty (=1), if I put 'VmConfig::get('products_per_row',3)' this, in stead of $category->products_per_row, then I get 3 rows!

I have detected in the virtuemart_configs table: "...|categories_per_row=s:1:"3";|productlayout=s:7:"default";|products_per_row=s:1:"3";|..."

I don't know how exactly the definition is of the variables but I expect:

  • s =string
  • 1 = 1 character
  • 3 = value

- So if I change the value of ´Default number of categories in a row´ to 2, then the value of ´categories_per_row´in the configs table has not been changed.
- Also the store description is shown on the category page while Show Store Description  is not checked.

Does anybody have an idea what is the problem or how can I solved this?

I had also an issue when I change the language from english --> dutch. There 6 tables which ends on en_GB. I have installed the dutch language and for all these tables nl_NL tables were created, BUT THEY WERE ALL EMPTY!!! So I have copied the data from en_GB manual to nl_NL

Also maybe important to know or maybe this has something todo with it, my joomla 1.5 with vm1.1.9 --> 2.0.12f was in dutch. )



Well maybe stupid, but I was checking the configuration tab. But by the category self you define "Number of Products per Row"!!!!!!!!!! (I have migrated the site and everything seems ok, so I didn't look to the catergory's self)
