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Manual instalation of folders and files from com_Virtuemart_ext_aio folder

Started by Slavomir, March 06, 2014, 16:45:08 PM

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I hope that you can help me with the problem I`ve got with Virtualmart AIO files and folders.
For some month ago I managed to install Virtuemart and AIO without problems but in the last week I started to experiment with site and managed to delete the site from the server. I have backup of database so it`s OK. The problem is that my backup of folders and files does`t include AIO instalation.

I need to figure out where shall I place the folders from com_Virtuemart_ext_aio to the Joomla site. I figured out where Modules folder belongs. The same with Libraries. But where shall I place the other folders? Folders Assets, Classes, Language, Language BE, Language FE, Plugins and files admin.virtuemart_allinone.php, config.php, index.html and script.vmallinone.php

Could somebody with working site be so kind to tell me where shall I put these folders in the Joomla site? Tried to search forums but did not find any overwiev over folders and files of Joomla instalation including Virtuemart and Virtuemart AIO.

I`ll be much oblidged for your help.



Why do you not take the aio and install it via the joomla extension manager?
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