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Virtuemart Order Emails Are Not Working.

Started by cero1988, February 20, 2014, 17:59:16 PM

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Hi All,

I have a similar problem to this:

The Joomla version is 2.5.8 and the virtue-mart is a 2.0.18a. There is only one user registered as vendor and payment gateway is with There are confirmation emails coming in from but not the website. The check out doesn't require login or registration. If you register a new login, the notification email works for that but nothing comes in when a new order is placed.

This problem has started to occur after I moved the site from one host to another. Everything has migrated okay and I have checked all settings/configuration and config. for virtue-mart....

Any help is appreciated.

I have been searching all over the forums to find an answer and have had no luck...


Can the file migration from one server host to another change something that can affect this some how?


Your VM version is quite old and you should update, this section is to post bugs from latest versions so I should not even reply you here.

Some of us are posting real bugs in the actual version.

Many bugs are fixed after each update and who knows if one of those causes your issue.


You have checked the option at global config/ checkout:

Default order status to send invoices to customers/vendors ? Don't even know if in your version this option existed yet.

You can try to enable migration tools also an run the repair/reinstall tables if needed (do a backup first)

Default emails from joomla work? check email settings, if you changed server and you use IMAP you will have to probably change something there as we did,



Thanks for the reply, sorry I wasn't sure where else I could post. I plan to update it later but I will need to make sure it doesn't interfere with anything else.

You have checked the option at global config/ checkout: <- Yes I have checked the configuration.php, what do you mean by global check out?

Default order status to send invoices to customers/vendors ? Don't even know if in your version this option existed yet. <- Yes its set to send it as status is confirmed, currently the customer receives a notification but the vendor does not. The vendor only receives notification from (merchant account).

You can try to enable migration tools also an run the repair/reinstall tables if needed (do a backup first) <- I have Akeeba backup, is that what you mean to use?

Default emails from joomla work? check email settings, if you changed server and you use IMAP you will have to probably change something there as we did, <- Yes default email works as a new user is registered, it sends the notification email.
