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Safe Path Issue With RS Firewall

Started by efocus, February 18, 2014, 02:22:55 AM

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I couldn't find any posts on this issue but finally figured it out so I am sharing. I wasn't previously getting this error until I installed some security software on my site:

"Warning, the Safe Path is not accessible (does not exist or no permission), for safety reasons it is very important to create a folder in a path not accessible by an URL, create also a folder invoices in it to store your sensitive data secure. Our suggested path is for your system /home/USER/vmfiles, use this link to the config."

I traced it to running the System Check in RSFirewall and then having it build a php.ini file for me. Everything it put in the php.ini file below is fine except for the last line which doesn't include access to vmfiles:

disable_functions=show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, phpinfo, popen, proc_open

I added   :/home/USER/vmfiles   to the end like this:


Please note that 'USER' should be replaced with the username of your hosting account. It is also possible that you may have chosen to name 'vmfiles' something else in which case you should use the correct file name. I am on a Linux server running cPanel so if you aren't, your server may have a different file path than /home/USER/public_html. However, you should be able to interpolate your path from my example.