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Is this a PayPal Or VM problem ???

Started by rob5939, February 05, 2014, 01:12:13 AM

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I did some searching on this board and other to try to find solution but I have not found anything, so if this has been answered before please forgive me.

I configured VM and began to try to start testing with paypal.

Ran a test order and VM did not forward to pay pal but it did show up in the Orders of the back end. I tried to rerun another test from the cart and when I hit "check out now" the page changed to /index.php/component/virtuemart/cart/editpayment?Itemid=0 with title "PLEASE SELECT A PAYMENT METHOD" paypal was the only selection available that was selected and of course the "Save", "Cancel" button. when I press save I am taken back to the shopping cart.

I saved and rerun the test

no further orders were being sent to the back end and each time I have tried I am in this loop of "cart" to "select payment method". I Tried several times without being able to get past that page or send an order to the VM backend.

Any Suggestions ?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

btw, I'm using VM 2.0.26d it says its up to date.


There is a bug in the 2.0.26d when the OPC option is checked.
Please uncheck this option and try again.



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