Only display stock Quantity in Purchase Order Page but ordered over the stock

Started by hoknight, January 28, 2014, 10:12:16 AM

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Firstly,sorry about my poor English.
This is about the stock and Purchased quantity issues.
For example, a product 30 available in stock.When a buyer to increase to buy this item up to 60 in check out page,the total price is $3900.Finally checkout success.However,the order record display Quantity is 30(this is stock level),but the total price is $3900.So,we can't see the buyer has bough 60 items in this order.

How can I solve this issues?

Joomla 2.5.17
Virtuemart 2.0.26d


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Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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