juri::root(true) is empty when i confirm the order

Started by alalde, December 06, 2013, 17:33:26 PM

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in Virtuemart 2.0.24c i have a big problem: the method JURI::root() returns an incorrect value only and exclusively in the page after order confirmation (the one with the redirect to paypal).
the problem is that use that variable in my part, however, creates a problem even at the core of joomla as not adding the suffix of the directory does not charge mootools.js and other necessary files.
type the address of the website is:

JURI :: root ()   get me -> instead
JURI :: root (true)  get me-> EMPTY instead -> / mysite

anyone have a solution? thanks in advance


nothing? :o

the problem is more serious than it seems. I did a fresh install of VM and apparently it always happens, whenever the order is complete and the component wants to redirect
to paypal. you can see already how the template changes appearance.