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Frontend Administration for version 2.0.24 don't work

Started by nemanjack, November 05, 2013, 10:49:57 AM

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I have a problem with adding new products from frontend (version VM 2.0.24). I can change data for existing products, but new ones can not possibly add. Just missing the left navigation for VM.
I tried with other template...nothing happends... I use Joomla! 2.5.14.

If anyone has a solution to this problem, thanks

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Hi nemanjack,

I'm wondering if you find a solution for frontend admin?

Using privileges/rights, I can manage that authorized frontend users can admin existing products (price/descr/images), but I cannot find how to let these users create their own new products?

Same problem to allow users to delete existing product(s) (user can only disable a product)?