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Copy / Clone Payment Method (looking for a SecurePay payment method)

Started by quigley595, October 31, 2013, 01:45:21 AM

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Hi folks,
I need a payment method for SecurePay, and cant find one.
I'm not so good that I can write my own, but I think I can change another one......   so unless anyone knows where to get a SecurePay plugin, could anyone assist me in cloning an existing one...
This is what I have done (and it doesn't work of course!)

I have copied down (from my hosting server), the directories for an existing payment method from plugins/vmpayment, and also copied the .ini files from admin/languages.
I changed all the references from the old PM to the new one, in all the files.

I then copied all the files and directories back up again to the host, under the new PM name.    DIDN'T WORK......
SO....   I then packed all the files into a zip file and installed it as normal using extension manager.....    this SEEMED to work (in the install screen), but when I go into VM, there is no option under the dropdown for my new payment method.

Can anyone help????????     Better of course if I could find a SecurePay payment plugin!!!!!!   SecurePay themselves don't provide one.

Thanks in advance folks....



Ever have any luck on this? I'm looking for a Virtuemart 3 Securepay plugin at the moment, but looks like I may need to reprogram the Virtuemart 1 version I have from an old site.

The Virtuemart 2 version at currently goes to a broken website.
