Why can't my site have Sitelinks on Google's search result?

Started by ech, October 14, 2013, 04:39:53 AM

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I have launched my website for some time already and I am very keen to get sitelinks on Google search result.

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this? Has any one done it before?

My site is http://www.petsionista.com

Any help  or advice is appreciated. Thanks!!


If your site is big, with lots of content, has a lot of visitors searchers, and appears first on Google for at least one search term then it could qualify for sitelink listing, but you cannot control this. Best recent review of this is http://www.hochmanconsultants.com/articles/sitelinks.shtml
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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