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Bank Tranfer: Can not do it like in VM1

Started by lode999, September 14, 2013, 22:30:08 PM

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In VM1  for the payment option Bank Transfer we had this in the the config of that payment method.

$naam=" shop name";
$formdata = number_format($db->f("order_total"), 2, '.', '');

echo '<div align="left">';
echo "Maak het totaalbedrag a € ".$formdata." over naar: <BR> Rekening nummer: ".$rekening."<BR>";
echo "Ten name van: ".$naam."<BR>";
echo "Vul in bij opmerking: Ordernummer ".$order_id."<BR>";
echo "Zodra wij uw betaling hebben ontvangen, zullen we direct overgaan tot levering.<BR> <BR>

In VM2 I try this in 'Standard'  but I show just the code as above.

This is not for automatic banking. Just to show a nice made message tot the customer.
And this is one of the 4 choice's that the have (pickup - ideal - paypal)

I must say, there is not much info about the payment-plugins.

Thanks for the help.


We do it like this:

Set up a standard payment method named "Pay by Bank Transfer" and in the Payment Description enter simple text - eg "Our bank details will be found in our order confirmation email."  Then just save the plaugin.

The email template is set up as an override with Bank information - everybody gets to see this but it is no problem.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Thank you Kelvyn for your answer.
That's the way I will do it.