Product Price (cost) crossed out on orders made before upgrade to VM 2.0.22c

Started by capewellmj, September 05, 2013, 17:15:01 PM

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I upgraded to virtuemart 2.0.22c and as well as the messy registration that was easily fixed I have found another problem. All the orders made before the upgrade has the product price (cost) crossed out!.

I have attached a screenshot.

Can anyone help me fix this.



[attachment cleanup by admin]


I fixed the issue myself.

I found that in the database table prefix_virtuemart_order_items  the column product_discountedPriceWithoutTax was empty and the Null tab was clicked. Subsequent orders after the upgrade to vm 2.0.22c had the contents of that column match the column below it which was product_PriceWithoutTax. Somehow the upgrade wiped out the contents of the first column!

So I ran the following sql query to copy the contents from the second column to the first and it worked first time and fixed the issue. Now I can print earlier orders without it showing a zero for the product price. If anyone else has the same problem remember to change the word prefix to your own database prefix.

UPDATE `prefix_virtuemart_order_items` SET `product_discountedPriceWithoutTax`=`product_priceWithoutTax`;