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auto-assign shoppers group by country/state

Started by elaperriere, July 31, 2013, 17:29:50 PM

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Is there a way to auto-assign a shoppers group to a new registered user according to his country and state?

I search the forum but could not find an answer...

The idea behind this is that my client needs to charge a flat rate if a product is sold in Quebec/Canada, the rest of Canada and a 3rd one for US customers. Now, the groups have been created and it works if we manually assign a group. However, it would need to be automated for easy management!

Joomla V : 2.5.11
VM : 2.0.20b
PHP : 5.3.27

Thanks for your help, this is urgent BTW!

K&K media production

better way:

create a calculation rule: price modifier after tax per bill +10$

choose Canada/Quebec for Country/State

now each order which is sold in Canada/Quebec will become a extra charge of 10$


Alright, this sounds like a good idea. However, what if we were to give free shipping for orders over 50$? Is there a way to set another rule?

Also, I just noticed that the "shipping price" set as a rule is not displayed, it is added but not displayed and finally there is a "discount" that appears!


Alright... let me change my last response.

I have been playing with the rules... and it is just going to cut it for us. Rules are not behaving properly and it is not possible to have more than 1 rule per product. So we need something to assign a group upon user registration!

K&K media production

you must choose "apply generic rules" and more than one rule will affect the product


Thanks for your response. However that didn't work either.

I modified other fields and changed the way to was detecting countries with a specific rule. Now I have part of my solution.