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message after setting 2nd language

Started by carbar, July 29, 2013, 09:30:23 AM

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I get this message "Info: COM_VIRTUEMART_ASSIGN_VM_TO_MENU" after adding a second language to VM version 2.0.20b on Joomla! 2.5.7.
What can the problem be?



You will have to create new menus for your second language. On multilanguage sites each language requires its own menus.
See here:

If you see something like COM_VIRTUEMART_ASSIGN_VM_TO_MENU, the following line, which is located in the file your-root-folder\language\en-GB\en-GB.com_virtuemart.ini:
COM_VIRTUEMART_ASSIGN_VM_TO_MENU="Assign the component VirtueMart to a menu item
problably is not yet translated into your language.

In VM Configuration > Shop > Language Settings you may enable 'Use english as fallback for untranslated strings' to see the original english text instead of COM_VIRTUEMART_ASSIGN_VM_TO_MENU.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?



I guess the problem is that I have en-US instead of en-GB.
I'm still working on it. :'(


If you installed the en-US VirtueMart language pack (which is a little bit incomplete, because until now no American user volunteered to take care of the american 'translation'), then you could take the original en-GB language pack, unzip it and find and replace all occurances of en-GB/en_gb with en-US/en_us. Afterwards zip all files again and install them with the Joomla installer.

The incomplete en-US language pack still is an exact copy of the previous version's en-GB language pack. So if you didn't make any changes yourself, you wouldn't loose anything when you do what I wrote above.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?