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VM update {solved}

Started by klodovik, July 05, 2013, 12:34:42 PM

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Ty JJK, what i do:

1. I have 2 php.ini file:
- php.ini - development
- php.ini - production

I dont know which file i can open to edit?

2. I try default template and no errors Joerge. My template is problem! :(  How i can update my template to support VM2?

About memory and execution time --> not try yet this solution, i working on that. Ty m8 for helping me.

My PHP version is: 5.4.19, Aug 21 2013 build date,


Quote from: klodovik on December 02, 2013, 15:31:09 PM
Ty JJK, what i do:

1. I have 2 php.ini file:
- php.ini - development
- php.ini - production

Edit 'php.ini', not 'php.ini-development' or php.ini-production. If you don't see 'php.ini', but maybe just 'php', you probably have to change some settings in your Windows folder options, like 'Show hidden files and folders' and/or disable 'Hide extensions for known file types'.

Concerning your template - you will have to ask your template provider if he has an update available which works with latest VM2.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Ok JJK i find, only PHP file is php.ini.

Set execution time to 120 and i have another error again (screenshot 1). About memory_limit --> default is 128M

Put here screenshot (2) with my php.ini configuration.

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Try to install the .zip files instead of the .tar.gz files. XAMPP often doesn't handle the tar.gz files.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Sorry, that picture is from yesterday when i try to install 2.0.22a

Same error JJK with .zip files

Impossible to find installation package....and in red write --> error with adding to server

[attachment cleanup by admin]


check your 'upload_max_filesize' in the php.ini file. If it is set to 2m, increase it to a higher value, for example 4m. (In xampp I've set mine to 128m)
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Its again same error show up... only what i see is too faster loading, no more waiting for localhost....i dont know what to do!  ???

Maybe i reinstall xampp?

When install xampp i install service only for Apache, MySQL and FilleZilla, no Tomcat and Mercury.

I try to install another plugin or module, work ok...just AIO cant and VM2.

SS with settings of upload_size

[attachment cleanup by admin]


When starting xampp, do NOT start Apache and MySQL as a service. That will probably create a lot of problems. If you change php.ini, you need to stop and restart Apache. Otherwise you are still using the old settings.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


You are a king my friend  ;D

When i shut down service for Apache and MySQL, everything working now in Joomla. Install AIO without any errors.

Thank you very much Joerge.

Now i have in local, J 2.5.13, VM 2.0.24c + AIO, serbian language is old, for version 2.0.18, but interested is next. Working VM2 with that language ok, some stuff not translate, like new options about Category/Home feed settings, in Tab Shop i have Invoices and Shopper information - that not translated, but that is only and not seem to be bad right now.

One more problem is left, that is about template update. I send email to provider of this template, i will wait couple of days for feedback. Do u have any more sugestion for this Joerge?

What u think, maybe in local and live is difference, maybe PHP pagination errors not showing in live site?


Joerge, i do it it ok?

1: Go to Global Configuration.
2: Click on Server.
3: Set Error Reporting to none.

Now i dont have anymore PHP errors with more then one pages of products.