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VM update {solved}

Started by klodovik, July 05, 2013, 12:34:42 PM

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Hello 2 all...

Joomla 2.5.11, VM 2 2-0-18

I have notification about update VM 2.0.18 to 2.0.18a

I have alot problems to translate VM to Serbian language, and moderator JJK solved that for me (ty again), my gusetion si...

If i upgrade to new version of VM, dont nothing messed up with my language? Language stay be correct like now or i have chance to lose my language?



Quote from: klodovik on July 05, 2013, 12:34:42 PM
I have notification about update VM 2.0.18 to 2.0.18a

Normally the language settings are kept during an update. At present I would suggest to the stable version 2.0.22 available for download from here:
...but make a backup first - just in case something goes wrong.

Serbian language files are now available here (currently not 100% translated, but you can use them):

Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


ok, i  update (manuelly) VM, first core then aio...

VM is now 2.0.22

I delete all example products, and started to set new.

1. create category (not showing u after save)
2. create products, set pic, description, all... (after save not showing up)
3. multilanguage is checked
4. correct create menu and added VM category layout - nothing, again nothing to show

Where i mistake?

Before update VM i create category, manufacturer, product just fine, now i dont show hothing?

What i need to do?

Ty very much


Try to click on "Install or if necessary update tables" in VM Administration > Tools & Migration and then test if it works again.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Try it..nothing happened...

Cant create category, products, nothing....  :-[

Cause my shop is empty, maybe is better way to reinstall VM and doing clean install? But what about language, last time u setup for me and work perfect...


Did you install xampp on your PC last winter, so you can test Joomla 2.5.11 and VirtueMart 2.0.22 without the risk of destroying something?
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Yes i m install on my home PC.


Quote from: klodovik on July 10, 2013, 14:39:29 PM
Yes i m install on my home PC.

Then you could create a new database by typing localhost into your browser and then use phpmyadmin to create a new database. Afterwards create a new folder in your xampp/htdocs folder and install a fresh Joomla 2.0.11 and VirtueMart 2.0.21b (the previous VM2 version) and test if that works.

Several users reported problems after updating to VM 2.0.22, which the team is investigating.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?



What u think about backing to previously version of VM?

I dont understand, update some program is good, but when ppl working with web shop, big risk after upgrade is lose everything.... how is fixed that?

How much life time is for one version VM, example 2.0.18a? That is good version, worked like it bad keep that version? And why?

How user can be safe working in older version, or how user be safe after upgrade to new version?


Of course you can still use VM 2.0.18a. Each new version has bug fixes and maybe some new features. If you are not affected by the existing bugs and don't need the new features, the old version might be usable for another year or two. The problem with that is, the longer you wait with updates, the more difficult it becomes to update. For example, an update from 2.0.18 to 2.0.20 probably is a small step that works without problems. But if you would try to update 2.0.18 to 2.2.0 (not available yet) or later, some parts of the update might not work correctly, because to many things have changed.

If you are happy with 2.0.18a, you can still use it. The next BIG upgrade then might be switching your website to Joomla 3.5 and VM 2.2 next year.

Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?



I back VM to version 2.0.18a and language pack too

In CP of VM i see category, products, etc... but in frontend i dont see nothing?!

Probably problem now with table, or data base....can u give me solution how to fix that now?


Forget to write here...

Fixed this problem with restoring my database.


Installed XAMPP, step by step and site now is on my local machine. Working ok, except:

If i try click to 'manage extension' show up next error --> Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\mojsajt\libraries\joomla\string\string.php on line 399

I want to delete VM and my language, then test new VM (upgrade do not work in local host) with new language, in this case i read for multiple language best VM is 2.0.22, and i test that, then SR language for this version.

Where is problem with this error?

Can i delete VM/AIO and language another way from Joomla?

P.S. I downloaded VM 2.0.22 and try to install looking this tutorial -->,%20then%20the%20aio!, nothing happenned, just white screen...maybe the problem is XAMPP and localhost??




I have successfully instaled latest VM 2.0.24C but only with options Install from URL now i have latest version, interested is, work fine, in frontend my products showing ok (in serbian language) except page where i have 10+ products (error is only where i have a lot products, and more page then just one), then i have error (screenshot), in backend some stuff is in english veersion, but, that is not big problem right now.

Next, i cant now install AIO for VM 2.0.24C (post before i write about that) and i cant find language translation for VM 2.0.24C for my language (never mind for uncomplete translate). Question is: how can install AIO now (any possible that AIO have URL then i install in same way like VM), and about language files.

Ty very much

[attachment cleanup by admin]


If you get timeout errors during installation of Joomla/VM2 using XAMPP, have a look at Site > Sytem Information > PHP Information and search for a line similar to this: 'Loaded Configuration File    C:\xampp\php\php.ini'.
Then go to that php.ini file, open it with an editor like Notepad and search for 'max_execution_time'. It might be set to "30". If so, increase it to 90 (should be sufficient) or 120. You can also check the 'mamory_limit' a few lines below that. Set it to 128M. Save the file.

Afterwards, try to install the with the Joomla installer again. Next go to and download the language packs for the VM2 core and for the payment plugins and install the.

Sometimes after the installation of VM2 updates it is a good idea to go 'Tools & Migration' and click on 'Install or if necessary update tables.

The error messages in your screenshots seem to be a problem with your template. Perhaps it needs to be updated to work with the latest VM2 version. Check if the error messages go away if you temporarily switch to one of the Joomla default templates.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?