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Order number showing only numbers

Started by hk, June 29, 2013, 12:07:14 PM

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I am using a Paypal cloned payment method with few modifications.
Everything works fine, except that the order number is shows only numbers in Thank You page and also in the tables, it is updated only numbers.
If Order number is 
a. c970061, it shows 0
b. 8b4f056, it shows 8
c. 185f018, it shows 185

I think the problem is with datatype of the field order_number. In database, it shows int(50) unsigned not null and same is there in the code as shown:
function getTableSQLFields ()
$SQLfields = array(
'id'                               => 'int(50) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT',
'virtuemart_order_id'              => 'int(50) UNSIGNED',
'order_number'                     => 'int(50) UNSIGNED NOT NULL',
'virtuemart_paymentmethod_id'      => 'mediumint(50) UNSIGNED ',

Could you please let me know in which file of the plugin is the table structure defined, so that I can update there and install the plugin again.
