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No data (products, vedors....) displayed after migration

Started by mauris, June 09, 2013, 08:40:37 AM

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I work on:
joomla 1.5.26
virtuemart 1.1.9
Server PHP v: 5.3.25

I'm during a process of migration to joomla 2.5. I thought would be better to update the VM to v.2 before migrating to joomla 2.5.

I followed the instructions for VM migration, except renaming the folder in "administrator/components/com_virtuemart", as it was not clear for me at first :(
I also copied the folders from "shop images" into "images/stories/virtuemart". There was not much to disable in the "modules" not "plugins" (I didn't install extras for this component).
I have installed the VM v.2 and the the AIO.

I have the VM installed but no products, categories nor manufacturers displayed.
The data is still in the folders ("images/sotries/virtuemart") and the path is shown in VM admin: "configuration/templates".
Then I ... "Enabled Data Base Update Tool", and in "Tools & Migration" increased "Memory Limit on server" to 512M, checked "everything" pressed "Start migration" and I'm getting the following error:
"fatal error public_html/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/vmtable.php on line 1400".

I would greatly appreciate your help. :)


replay for those who follow:
I tried a few things nothing worked. Finally decided to repeat the migration (press the "start button" under "tools>tools & migration>migration) a few times and magically worked. I have the products, manufacturers and categories in the admin.
But now I have a new problem: the products do not appear on the website. I was getting 404 error. Now I have disabled SEO under Site>Global Configuration>Site and at least the error is gone, but still no sign of the VM items ;)