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How to overwrite parent product calculation rule (discount price)?

Started by guidocx842, May 21, 2013, 11:36:42 AM

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Hi everybody,
I've a big really strange problem about calculation of discount prices for my child products. I try to explain you my situation.

I'm using Stockable Variants Plugin because I need to set different prices, skus, stocks and variants for my products.
As you know, this plugin creates a parent product and many children products.
In category view I need to show the lower price of the variants so I set for my parent product a price, i.e. 1000€.
Then, for four children of that parent, I set the price manually to 2000€. For other children of the same parent I set the price manually to 1000€.
And by now, all ok. It works. (theoretically I could also not set the prices for children products that cost 1000€ because they should inherit the price of the parent... but I don't try...)

But problems arrive when I try to set different discount prices for different children products.

I need to apply different discount to the variants because for children products that cost 1000€ I need to apply 200€ of discount that have to overwrite final price with -200€. For children products that costs 2000€ I need to apply 500€ of discount that have to overwrite final price with -500€. So, at the end, my products can costs 800€ or 1500€ (final prices with taxes included). So I create two different calculation rules that I apply to my children products: one rule for products that cost 2000€ and one rule for products that cost 1000€. Then I apply the rules to my children products.


Parent product calculation rule still win over his children calculation rule also if I define a specific (different) calculation rule for the children products.

  • If I set "Apply no rule" to the parent product, the children ignore their calculation rules also if I set them for each children.
  • If I set the 200€ calculation rule (because, as I say, parent has the lower price of the prices set for children), children that cost 2000€ are discountend with -200€ instead with their rule (-500€) that I set manually in each children. So this approach works only for children that cost 1000€. Similary happen if I try to set the other calculation rule for the parent.

By now, I'm still not able to overwrite parent calculation rule settings with children calculation rule setting!
I'm able to do this thing with the prices without calculation rules. Because my parent product and three children of it cost 1000€ while four children of it cost 2000€. But if I try to set the discount rule... nothing... It not works  :( :( :( :(

I forget to say you the most strange thing! If I go into the configuration of one of children that need to cost 2000-500->1500€ as final price, I see into the final price 1500€!! Looking at the backoffice is all right! But in front office, in detail page, when I select the 1500€ product I see 1800€ because it uses the discount setted in parent product, that is the lower one (-200€).

Does somebody know how to solve this problem? Why calculation rules for the children products, if setted, does not win over their parent calculation rule?
Thank you so much for your help and your attention.  ;)


does somebody can help me?  :-[ :-[
I'm trying in various way but the discount price set for parent still override the one set for child products. I need to do the opposite thing...
Thank you very much!



I'm trying for many days with no results.
In your opinion, why is not possible to set a calculation rule only to children products created by the stockable variants plugin?
Is it a bug?


Hi Guido, I have your same necessity and same problem!!! I'm getting crazy about this and I don't find any solution. Did you find a solution? please we could stay in touch so if one of us find the solution can inform the othrt.
If you are italian, as it seems from the name, we can get communicate in italian, ciao.


Any solution for this guys?

Quote from: guidocx842 on May 21, 2013, 11:36:42 AM
Hi everybody,
I've a big really strange problem about calculation of discount prices for my child products. I try to explain you my situation.

I'm using Stockable Variants Plugin because I need to set different prices, skus, stocks and variants for my products.
As you know, this plugin creates a parent product and many children products.
In category view I need to show the lower price of the variants so I set for my parent product a price, i.e. 1000€.
Then, for four children of that parent, I set the price manually to 2000€. For other children of the same parent I set the price manually to 1000€.
And by now, all ok. It works. (theoretically I could also not set the prices for children products that cost 1000€ because they should inherit the price of the parent... but I don't try...)

But problems arrive when I try to set different discount prices for different children products.

I need to apply different discount to the variants because for children products that cost 1000€ I need to apply 200€ of discount that have to overwrite final price with -200€. For children products that costs 2000€ I need to apply 500€ of discount that have to overwrite final price with -500€. So, at the end, my products can costs 800€ or 1500€ (final prices with taxes included). So I create two different calculation rules that I apply to my children products: one rule for products that cost 2000€ and one rule for products that cost 1000€. Then I apply the rules to my children products.


Parent product calculation rule still win over his children calculation rule also if I define a specific (different) calculation rule for the children products.

  • If I set "Apply no rule" to the parent product, the children ignore their calculation rules also if I set them for each children.
  • If I set the 200€ calculation rule (because, as I say, parent has the lower price of the prices set for children), children that cost 2000€ are discountend with -200€ instead with their rule (-500€) that I set manually in each children. So this approach works only for children that cost 1000€. Similary happen if I try to set the other calculation rule for the parent.

By now, I'm still not able to overwrite parent calculation rule settings with children calculation rule setting!
I'm able to do this thing with the prices without calculation rules. Because my parent product and three children of it cost 1000€ while four children of it cost 2000€. But if I try to set the discount rule... nothing... It not works  :( :( :( :(

I forget to say you the most strange thing! If I go into the configuration of one of children that need to cost 2000-500->1500€ as final price, I see into the final price 1500€!! Looking at the backoffice is all right! But in front office, in detail page, when I select the 1500€ product I see 1800€ because it uses the discount setted in parent product, that is the lower one (-200€).

Does somebody know how to solve this problem? Why calculation rules for the children products, if setted, does not win over their parent calculation rule?
Thank you so much for your help and your attention.  ;)