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Can't find where to translate Top Ten, latest and Featured products blocks

Started by Joao Ferraz, May 14, 2013, 16:28:19 PM

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Joao Ferraz

Can't find where to translate Top Ten, latest and Featured products blocks.
Can someone help me?

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Looking at the screenshot of your template,  it should be the 'VM - Featured Products' module title(s), which display 'Featured, Best Sales, Random, or Latests' products.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Hi guys,

I'm now searching for days even tried to change the whole nx-product script into my language but i never got it right.
My problem is i can't translate "latest" by products and "Featured" by products on my frontpage.
It's not a module it's somewhere in virtuemart. because i don't have a module with Top Ten, latest and Featured products (not uninstalled disabled
or trashed just not there ) there must be a way to change those two little words.

please help.

Thank you kindly!

Ewout Lokker

Maxim Pishnyak

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