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How to have 2 different prices in different currencies

Started by da_mascus, May 09, 2013, 09:01:47 AM

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Hi folks

first off thanks for this great component and that its free to use, its really great and I am recommending it to anyone using joomla.
Ok now to my problem:

I have a multilanguage site with EN - SVK - CZ languages. Virtuemart does this well he recognizes the languages and offers add the name and specific description to each language variation. Kudos for that. But we have also set prices EN and SVK uses € Euro.. I dont have any problem here, but Czech republic uses Czech koruna (CZK) and I cant get it to work.
Is it possible to have 2 prices for one product in two different currencies?

If anyone could help me with this I would be really grateful.

Thank you in advance and have a nice day

PS: I am using the latest joomla with the latest 2+ VM and I know about the currency changer module but I cant have the prices changed automatically.


Hi there da_mascus

did you ever manage to solve this issue as i am having the same problem?
