Shopper fields of type select are still editable after sert to Read Only

Started by webgobe, April 08, 2013, 19:47:45 PM

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I am using latest Joomla (2.5.9) with latest VirtueMart 2.0.20b  and the standard Beez5 template for testing the problem (initially I discovered it with a highly customized setup, but the problem persist on a brand new clean install with standard template.
I have couple of Shopper fields set up as Select fields, and set tas Red only. The other Shopper fields, set as Text fields are displayed normally, but the Select fields ARE stuled correctly, as Read only files (grayed out), but the dropdown is live, can be changed and the change can be saved.
the setup is a clen, fresh Joomla 2.5.9, latest VirtueMart on Linux (hosted on HostGator) but the issue can be reproduced on local installs too, is not operating system or PHP version related. Tested in 3 different setups. (On a Rochen server with latest everything, on the Hostgator account with PHP 5.3, and on a windows based testing environment (JSAS with PHP, MySQL and APACHe upgraded to latest versions). The problem is consistently there.

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