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VM2 translation problems in backend SOLVED

Started by franci77, March 29, 2013, 18:50:57 PM

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Virtuemart is great e-commerce component and I am almost at the end of building new e-commerce site for my client.
Everything works well except one thing.

When I enable other language than english in the backend, and I go to the Virtuemart component, the VM menus are crashed.
I mean, I still can click and go to every menu and I can configure just about everything, it's just that everything gets "one-paged", there are no tabs to click on to get different setting, it is all on one page.
And the left main menu should work like an accordion, but it is not, it is fully expanded all the time.

But if I put the backend language back to english, everything gets to work fine again.

Did anybody else got this issue before? How can I solve this?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


in your site/ administrator / language / language-code / your-language.com_virtuemart
(For example: my page / administartor / language / sl-SI / sl-SI.com_virtuemart)
add this one to the end of the string:

;JAVASCRIPT Declaration, Respect the JSON format

then you would need to display tabs, calendar, ...

Best regards Chico


Hi Chico,

Thanks for the answer and this is the solution that works perfectly. :D
Thank you again. :)

Best regards,

Quote from: ShowLiFE on March 30, 2013, 11:52:17 AM
in your site/ administrator / language / language-code / your-language.com_virtuemart
(For example: my page / administartor / language / sl-SI / sl-SI.com_virtuemart)
add this one to the end of the string:

;JAVASCRIPT Declaration, Respect the JSON format

then you would need to display tabs, calendar, ...

Best regards Chico