Product pricing and MSRP... also how to we configure individual state tax

Started by treyb, March 28, 2013, 15:03:13 PM

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How does this need to be entered in the shop for pricing... Is it possible to have a state tax rate? if so how is that done?

I need to enter in the product_price and then the MSRP pricing for the public... we need to be able to show how much they are saving if that make's any sense.



Set your cost price as MSRP, then set a discount in Taxes and Calculation Rules, say 10% then apply that rule to that product...
You can also modify your language overrides to add a custom title changing baseprice to MSRP

Set your tax rates in Taxes and Calculation Rules -> you can set individual tax rates based on Country (USA) then individual States (FL, NY, and so on) - taxes will be applied based on the purchasers state they are in when logged into Joomla
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