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can't add decimals to my product pricing

Started by davidsg3, March 26, 2013, 09:57:07 AM

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I have downloaded ja_mixmaz from joomlart who includes virtuemart 2 as an e-commerce solution.

I have expermineting some problems.

One of them is that my admin can,t accept adding decimals to my products.  I have tried all things but it don't want to accept any number at right side of the comma,

Please, anyone could tell me how can I change it? I don't know if I placed this in the correct place, but I need anyone who tell my how to proceed to get my decimals working great.


K&K media production

you must use a dot for the price in configuration like 2.99


Have you check configuration > pricing area
Or if you talk about format you can visit Configuration > Currencies

(see attached files)

[attachment cleanup by admin]
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