Please Help - transfer customers and their order history (VM1.1.9 to 2.0.18a )

Started by Jessica28, March 14, 2013, 15:47:50 PM

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I am trying to update our online store from 1.1.9 (joomla Version 1.5.23) to 2.0.18a virtuemart (and the new joomla version).
We have about 400 products.
We use joomfish and other components that are not needed with the new virtuemart version.

We have no problem to re-insert all products, the question is how do i keep all our customers (about 900 accounts) and their order history.
Ideally I wanted to work on the new site off site and setup up everything and a day before going live to backup all account and their order history and transfer it to the "fresh" version.

Please help or suggest some other ideas.

thank you!

Joseph Kwan

The migrator tool will migrate users and orders as well. You can use akeeba backup to clone your site to a new location. User JUpgrade and VM to migrate the site to Joomla 2.5/VM 2.0. You can test it first to make sure everything works.
When you are confident with the migration process, you can take down your live site to do the final migration.
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