VMLANG variable not set with SEO enabled with multilaguages

Started by dfritz79, February 12, 2013, 14:50:59 PM

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I would like to use Virtuemart wit Joomla 2.5.8 in Multilanguage. If I enable in SEO option "Search Engine Friendly URLs" I get problems with the VMLANG variable.
I also enabled debuging in Joomla and get folowing error 500 back when I try to open a product detail or enter a category.

500 - JDatabaseMySQLi::query: 1146 - Table 'rxxxxim.xxx03_virtuemart_categories_VMLANG' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT `virtuemart_category_id` FROM `xxx03_virtuemart_categories_VMLANG` WHERE `slug` LIKE 'blablabla'

It seams that the variable VMLANG is not set in the moment and so the correct MySQL Table can be selected fot output.
Without selecting SEO in Joomla every works fine.