Multilingual shop not reading second language product data in administration

Started by Mario769, February 10, 2013, 19:03:54 PM

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Hello everyone,

I have very strange problem when I am editing product data. I am running Joomla 2.5.8 and VM 2.0.18a. When I open a product and edit data for the first language everything works fine. When I select the second language everything is loaded nicely but after editing any data (product name, description, alias, basically anything) and hitting save button the data is saved but it can't be read. The page is reverting to basic language after save as it should be (at least I think so because it always worked that way for me) and then when I select the second language from dropdown the new data simply isn't there. It is written in the database, I have checked it, but it seems that VM can't read it in this case. It can be seen correctly only after half an hour or so.

The fact is that the same site loaded from backup is working fine on my localhost installation on xampp. I have tried upgrading JCE editor to the latest version, nothing changed. Permissions are also correct as it seems to me, multilanguage site is running fine on the front end. It reads data from both languages without trouble in front end. Server is VPS on Virtuozzo with Virtualmin/Webmin. From what I have seen with Firebug it is clear that VM can't read the data from second language and it points to an jquery problem I guess. But the strangest thing is that it works fine on my local host. JQuery options from VM configuration settings are not helping also, when I was trying to change them it only messed my front end and the back end problem persisted.

I am really confused although I am not a professional in this areas and I haven't been able to find a solution through forums or google. Please help.

UPDATE: I have solved this. It was .htaccess file which has been causing this. Problems started about 10 days ago and .htaccess is old about 4 months but obviously I haven't updated it for the latest versions of Joomla/VM. After few days of investigating I have found the solution about 10mins after I had written this post  :o


What did you did in .htaccess??

Every time I save a parent in the second language I lost the name and aliases of it childs in second language. It is driving me crazy since 2.0.6.

Every time i need to change something in second language I have to open all the childs in new tabs, change to second language, edit parent and hen save child again.
Joomla 2.5.17 | VM2.0.26d | PHP 5.3.28