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Canceling order issue

Started by crystalm28, February 01, 2013, 12:58:26 PM

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When I click "Cancel Order and Return to site", when on the first screen of PayPal, I am brought back to the Order Summary Screen and I get this...

•   Info: You have cancelled your payment

#0 vmInfo(You have cancelled your payment) called at [public_html/plugins/vmpayment/paypal/paypal.php:414] #1 plgVmPaymentPaypal->plgVmOnUserPaymentCancel() #2 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => plgVmPaymentPaypal Object ([] => payment,[] => 0,[] => 0,[] => #__virtuemart_payment_plg_paypal,[] => id,[] => id,[] => 0,[] => #__virtuemart_paymentmethods,[] => paymentmethods,[] => TablePaymentmethods,[] => payment_params,[] => Array ([paypal_merchant_email] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[paypal_verified_only] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => int),[payment_currency] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => int),[email_currency] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => int),[log_ipn] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => int),[sandbox] => Array ([0] => 0,[1] => int),[sandbox_merchant_email] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[payment_logos] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[debug] => Array ([0] => 0,[1] => int),[status_pending] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[status_success] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[status_canceled] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[countries] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[min_amount] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => int),[max_amount] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => int),[secure_post] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => int),[ipn_test] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => int),[no_shipping] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => int),[address_override] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => int),[cost_per_transaction] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => int),[cost_percent_total] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => int),[tax_id] => Array ([0] => 0,[1] => int)),[] => virtuemart_paymentmethod_id,[] => payment_params,[] => ,[] => 1,[params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => paypal,[] => vmpayment,[] => JDispatcher Object ([] => Array ([0] => PlgSystemYag_ecommerce_mapping Object ([params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => yag_ecommerce_mapping,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[1] => plgSystemK2 Object ([params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => k2,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[2] => plgSystemKoowa Object ([params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ([auth_basic] => 0)),[] => koowa,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[3] => plgSystemJw_disqus Object ([plg_name] => jw_disqus,[plg_copyrights_start] => ,[plg_copyrights_end] => ,[params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => jw_disqus,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[4] => plgSystemGantry Object ([] => Array ([com_modules] => Array ([0] => module.apply,[1] =>,[2] => module.save2copy,[3] => modules.unpublish,[4] => modules.publish,[5] => modules.saveorder,[6] => modules.trash,[7] => modules.duplicate),[com_templates] => Array ([0] => publish,[1] => save,[2] => save_positions,[3] => default,[4] => apply,[5] => save_source,[6] => apply_source),[com_config] => Array ([0] => save)),[params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => gantry,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[5] => plgSystemRokExtender Object ([params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ([registered] => /modules/mod_roknavmenu/lib/RokNavMenuEvents.php)),[] => rokextender,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[6] => plgSystemP3p Object ([params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ([headers] => NOI ADM DEV PSAi COM NAV OUR OTRo STP IND DEM)),[] => p3p,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[7] => plgSystemLogout Object ([params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => logout,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[8] => plgSystemDebug Object ([] => ,[params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ([profile] => 1,[queries] => 1,[memory] => 1,[language_files] => 1,[language_strings] => 1,[strip-first] => 1,[strip-prefix] => ,[strip-suffix] => )),[] => debug,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[9] => plgSystemLog Object ([params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => log,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[10] => plgSystemRedirect Object ([params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => redirect,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[11] => plgSystemRemember Object ([params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => remember,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[12] => PlgSystemHighlight Object ([params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => highlight,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[13] => plgSystemSef Object ([params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => sef,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[14] => plgSystemCache Object ([_cache] => JCacheControllerPage Object ([] => 682db274e3fd3dd09efc131bf48a4fcb,[] => page,[] => stdClass Object ([locklooped] => ,[locked] => ),[cache] => JCache Object ([_options] => Array ([cachebase] => /home/killmode/public_html/cache,[lifetime] => 1,[language] => en-GB,[storage] => file,[defaultgroup] => page,[locking] => 1,[locktime] => 15,[checkTime] => 1,[caching] => ,[browsercache] => 0),[] => Array ()),[options] => Array ([cachebase] => /home/killmode/public_html/cache,[lifetime] => 1,[language] => en-GB,[storage] => file,[defaultgroup] => page,[locking] => 1,[locktime] => 15,[checkTime] => 1,[caching] => ,[browsercache] => 0)),[params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ([browsercache] => 0,[cachetime] => 15)),[] => cache,[] => system,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[15] => RokNavMenuEvents Object ([params] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[16] => plgVmPaymentHeidelpay Object ([] => 12.09 Standard,[] => payment,[] => 0,[] => 0,[] => #__virtuemart_payment_plg_heidelpay,[] => id,[] => id,[] => 0,[] => #__virtuemart_paymentmethods,[] => paymentmethods,[] => TablePaymentmethods,[] => payment_params,[] => Array ([payment_logos] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_PAYMENT_URL] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_SECURITY_SENDER] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_USER_LOGIN] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_USER_PW] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_CHANNEL_ID] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[payment_currency] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_TRANSACTION_MODE] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_PAYMENT_TYPE] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_PAYMENT_METHOD] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[min_amount] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[max_amount] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_STATUS_PENDING] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_STATUS_SUCCESS] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_STATUS_FAILED] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_DEBUG] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_CONFIRM_EMAIL] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_SECRET] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[HEIDELPAY_STYLE] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char)),[] => virtuemart_paymentmethod_id,[] => payment_params,[] => ,[] => 1,[params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => heidelpay,[] => vmpayment,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[_tableChecked] => 1,[tableFields] => Array ([0] => id,[1] => virtuemart_order_id,[2] => order_number,[3] => virtuemart_paymentmethod_id,[4] => unique_id,[5] => short_id,[6] => payment_code,[7] => comment,[8] => date,[9] => payment_methode,[10] => payment_type,[11] => transaction_mode,[12] => payment_name,[13] => processing_result,[14] => secret_hash,[15] => response_ip),[secret] => D59E88713CA4AEF042A10F43DC608F078DFA676F),[17] => plgVmPaymentStandard Object ([] => payment,[] => 0,[] => 0,[] => #__virtuemart_payment_plg_standard,[] => id,[] => id,[] => 0,[] => #__virtuemart_paymentmethods,[] => paymentmethods,[] => TablePaymentmethods,[] => payment_params,[] => Array ([payment_logos] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[countries] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[payment_currency] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[status_pending] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[min_amount] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[max_amount] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[cost_per_transaction] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[cost_percent_total] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[tax_id] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[payment_info] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char)),[] => virtuemart_paymentmethod_id,[] => payment_params,[] => ,[] => 1,[params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => standard,[] => vmpayment,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[_tableChecked] => 1,[tableFields] => Array ([0] => id,[1] => virtuemart_order_id,[2] => order_number,[3] => virtuemart_paymentmethod_id,[4] => payment_name,[5] => payment_order_total,[6] => payment_currency,[7] => cost_per_transaction,[8] => cost_percent_total,[9] => tax_id)),[18] => plgVMPaymentPayzen Object ([] => payment,[] => 0,[] => 0,[] => #__virtuemart_payment_plg_payzen,[] => id,[] => id,[] => 0,[] => #__virtuemart_paymentmethods,[] => paymentmethods,[] => TablePaymentmethods,[] => payment_params,[] => Array ([developed_by] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[contact_email] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[contrib_version] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[gateway_version] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[cms_version] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[documentation] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[payment_logos] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[cost_per_transaction] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[cost_percent_total] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[tax_id] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[site_id] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[key_test] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[key_prod] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[ctx_mode] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[platform_url] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[language] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[available_languages] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[capture_delay] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[validation_mode] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[payment_cards] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[min_amount] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[max_amount] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[redirect_enabled] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[redirect_success_timeout] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[redirect_success_message] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[redirect_error_timeout] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[redirect_error_message] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[return_mode] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[silent_url] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[order_success_status] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[order_failure_status] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[debug] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char)),[] => virtuemart_paymentmethod_id,[] => payment_params,[] => ,[] => 1,[params] => JRegistry Object ([] => stdClass Object ()),[] => payzen,[] => vmpayment,[] => JDispatcher Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[_tableChecked] => 1,[tableFields] => Array ([0] => id,[1] => virtuemart_order_id,[2] => order_number,[3] => virtuemart_paymentmethod_id,[4] => payment_name,[5] => payment_order_total,[6] => payment_currency,[7] => cost_per_transaction,[8] => cost_percent_total,[9] => tax_id,[10] => payzen_custom,[11] => payzen_response_payment_amount,[12] => payzen_response_auth_number,[13] => payzen_response_payment_currency,[14] => payzen_response_payment_mean,[15] => payzen_response_payment_date,[16] => payzen_response_payment_status,[17] => payzen_response_payment_message,[18] => payzen_response_card_number,[19] => payzen_response_trans_id,[20] => payzen_response_expiry_month,[21] => payzen_response_expiry_year)),[19] => plgVMPaymentSystempay Object ([] => payment,[] => 0,[] => 0,[] => #__virtuemart_payment_plg_systempay,[] => id,[] => id,[] => 0,[] => #__virtuemart_paymentmethods,[] => paymentmethods,[] => TablePaymentmethods,[] => payment_params,[] => Array ([developed_by] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[contact_email] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[contrib_version] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[gateway_version] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[documentation] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[payment_logos] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[cost_per_transaction] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[cost_percent_total] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[tax_id] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[site_id] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[key_test] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[key_prod] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[ctx_mode] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[platform_url] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[language] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[available_languages] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[capture_delay] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[validation_mode] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[payment_cards] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[min_amount] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[max_amount] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[redirect_enabled] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[redirect_success_timeout] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[redirect_success_message] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[redirect_error_timeout] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[redirect_error_message] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char),[return_mode] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => char

and ongoing........

Peter Pillen

could it be this happens when you are logged in as admin/superadmin on the frontend? Because the info message box is expanded with more info if you are logged in as admin.


Thank you for the reply.  I was using a "test" user who was only a registered user?  Any other ideas?  Thank you :-)


In VM Configuration/Shop under Advanced Settings do you have Enable debugging messages set to No debug?
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thank you for the reply.  I do have the debugging set to "no debug". 



I am not able to reproduce your problem. So I assume it has to do with one of the plugins you are using.
Those are the plugins called
[ 0] => PlgSystemYag_ecommerce_mapping *
[1] => plgSystemK2 *
[2] => plgSystemKoowa *
[3] => plgSystemJw_disqus *
[4] => plgSystemGantry *
[5] => plgSystemRokExtender *
[6] => plgSystemP3p
[7] => plgSystemLogout
[8] => plgSystemDebug
[9] => plgSystemLog
[10] => plgSystemRedirect
[11] => plgSystemRemember
[12] => PlgSystemHighlight
[13] => plgSystemSef
[14] => plgSystemCache
[15] => RokNavMenuEvents *
[16] => plgVmPaymentHeidelpay
[17] => plgVmPaymentStandard
[18] => plgVMPaymentPayzen
[19] => plgVMPaymentSystempay

To find out which one causes the problem,unpublish them one by one., and reload the page that displays all thoses infos. I have added a * on the plugins i do not have on my test website. The ones that do not have a *, are Joomla native plugins, or VM native plugins